Honoring Aunt Jemima, A Great Grandson’s Plea to Preserve Her Legacy

Photo credits to the respective owner
Photo credits to the respective owner
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3 thoughts on “Honoring Aunt Jemima, A Great Grandson’s Plea to Preserve Her Legacy

  1. I think it’s a shame and a disgrace to the race! The family should be recognized and compensated for All of those years being aunt Jemima …after all, that she is , part of all our life’s History! Can’t cover up Truths and Facts! That’s like saying, Martin Luther is fiction n it never happened…or that President Abraham knew nothing about Slavery…what’s next, the civil war never existed! What, Really…? It was all just a movie roll from,” Gone with the Wind”.? Isn’t it bad enough that our children today, don’t really know the truth or facts from History books in school! C’mon people get real! Get off the dam computers/internet and read a Real book or two for Yourselves!& For our youth! Quit holding back on Real, Godforsaken, LIFE!

  2. Role as Aunt Jemima: Green was hired by the R.T. Davis Milling Company in 1890 to represent Aunt Jemima. She debuted the character at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, cooking pancakes and telling stories in a “mammy” persona. Her warm demeanor and storytelling made her a popular figure, helping the brand gain nationwide recognition in 1923. While her role provided her with a steady income, it was also deeply tied to perpetuating demeaning stereotypes. Her legacy should be preserved

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